Affordable, Simple and Easy to Checkout
Choose items
Choose items from menu and
add to
shopping cart
Fill Delivery infor
Fill in Delivery information and expected date
Pay online
Pay with your secure trusted payment mode of your choice
Delivered in temperature controlled packaging to refrigerate
Heat and Eat
Follow simple reheat instruction to enjoy your meal under 5 mins

Our Happy Customers

& Chill food
at 4°C or colder
on delivery.
Eat food within 4 weeks from date of delivery
If frozen, Thaw in chiller before re-heating your meals
For box meals,
open meal box
in one-corner to Microwave
Microwave box
2-3 Minutes
Do not microwave
sous-vide bags
Transfer food for
suitable Plate
or Bowl
for serving
Enjoy restaurant quality food at your
Any time anywhere
with great taste
Ready to Eat in 3 Mins